WHATSSSSSSSSS CRACKINN'? Today, is the last day of the KidRobot MunnyMunth Contest. A LOT of the designs that made it through are pretty kickass. I gotta be honest though, some of the designs that are up shouldn't be. I've actually seen some up for sale a few months back and/or someone else who bought the design posted it up as their own work. Who knows, maybe the world will even itself out and the real people who deserve to win it will.
Anyways, make way for VEER. That's me! HAHA. Some of you have NO idea who I am. Let me just tell you all my story and then I'll have my pictures up for you here in a bit. I'm currently residing in Houston, TX, but I have my roots back home in Los Angeles, CA. growing up I had a pretty strong graffiti base in art. I expanded my horizons and delved into a bit of cartooning and other various urban forms of art. I started designing Munny's to pass the time, but one day my boss threw a blank one at me and told me to have a go (this is after about 2 yr hiatus from painting). My boss liked this Munny so much, and i was so encouraged by it, I decided to enter the contest (going on now - people's choice votes end 7/15 - be sure to vote: http://sites.kidrobot.com/munnymunth/entries.php?p=7&q= - VEER: Spawn, Rich Uncle Pennybags, StormShadow&SnakeEyes). So, here I am. I've decided to take on commissions (email me for more info @ nuocmam89@yahoo.com) and do a series, possibly more. My goal here is to become recognized by the public and hopefully my pieces become collectibles like some artists I have a LOT of respect for (Kozik, Vissell, Huck Gee, Sket One).
I promised you guys my designs and here they are (I apologize for the terrible photo quality, I haven't had a chance to take better pictures. But SOON!)
Here are a couple of the designs I've put together. MORE SOON!


The Devil's Advocate
Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes
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